Originally Posted by ItWasMe
You know, it never entered my mind that if a guy asks me out, he might not actually care about meeting me. That he might just be honing his chops, or practicing, for when he meets 'ms right.' Now that it has entered my mind, I am glad I am married.
It's not necessarily that he doesn't care about you, but more that he needs practice and you're available and interesting. I guess it's not terribly romantic no matter how you look at it, but the bottom line is that confidence is a learned trait and the only way to get there is by doing it.
I am a shameless flirt. Most of the girls I flirt with I have no intention of going home with/sleeping with/being in a relationship with. I do it because I enjoy it, and because I consider it to be a fairly harmless activity. I don't think there are many women who would be offended by the idea that I find them attractive enough to chat them up even if I have no intention of following through, but I guess I could be wrong.
Most guys also I think go through a period where they just want to be with a girl, and don't care particularly what girl it is. Some guys never get over that phase. Even for the guys who do, it's necessary, since figuring out what you want is accomplished at least in part by figuring out what you don't want.