Originally Posted by ASU2003
It isn't just about asking a girl out. I'm looking to ask the right girl out. I don't want to get with a new girl each weekend, I would be happy being with a same girl for a long time if she is a good match for me.
Okay, but here's the situation. You're out somewhere. You see the "right girl". You get all excited, because, well,
there she is, the "right girl".
One of three things is going to happen. You'll approach and be accepted, you'll approach and be turned away, or you'll psych yourself out and not approach. Exercise for the reader: rank these in terms of likelihood, given that your future with "the right girl" is at stake.
If, however, you're out there
honing your chops and
developing your confidence by approaching anything that walks without any particular regard to the outcome with any particular woman or even on any particular night, THEN you're playing the right game. And even if you lose more than you win (and you will), even so:
you're losing at the right game. Capice?