Thread: On Weddings
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Old 08-05-2008, 05:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Kitchener, ON, CANADA
On Weddings

A strong feeling about weddings came to be recently. I figure I should post this somewhere, but I'm too lazy to actually update my own journal with it.

A few friends and I went to see Mama Mia in the theater this past weekend (against my better judgment). While I do enjoy some of Abba's works, i didn't enjoy the butchering that the movie gave them. But I digress...

When I came out of the movie, I had one thought: I HATE weddings. But I secretly want one oh so badly.

Every time I see a wedding on TV or in the movies (or even if I attend one), I cannot help but feel an intense wash of emotion. I feel some of the happiness that those involved feel and I love that feeling. However, I also feel sadness as that amount of happiness is something that I want in my life quite a bit and cannot seem to grasp. Heh, maybe it's just the music getting to me.

I'm quite content with my everyday life. I love my job. I have a rather diverse circle of friends. I keep myself busy. But I'm not really "happy". I'll never be completely over my ex (and please don't lecture me on why that's not healthy or how to get over it), and perhaps that's partly why I feel this way. Do I need to heed Jefferson Airplane's advice and find somebody to love? Perhaps. I'm not even sure where I'm going with this...

Do any other unmarried, single TFP'ers feel this way about weddings?
"I'm not a vegatarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." -- A. Whitney Brown
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