When I was young and dumb, i had a problem budgeting and keeping myself from spending frivolously, to the point where I had some serious financial issues early on. I worked through those, but now I love having her to use as a sounding board for when I'm deciding on larger purchases, and she does the same. Obviously anything small neither of us thinks twice about, but even for something bigger I know we can afford, I like to have her opinion on its usefulness. And she's great about "toys", and has actually convinced me to buy things that I wanted but never would have trusted myself to determine if it was worth buying.
My dad had a stash when I was growing up, he called it his "mad money". It wasn't a secret from my mom, but nobody except my dad knew how much it was at any one time. It had to be quite a bit at times, because he would come home on occasion with a motorcycle, or a car needing restoration, and the only explanation he would give was that he bought it with his mad money.