Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
but, something interesting you've extended the DHS/CPS to the federal level, when in fact it isn't federalized, but differs from state to state, city to city.
Which is as it
should be.
However, for something like my "database" to be effective, it would
have to be federalized. Otherwise, "Michelle" could just skip from town to town, from state to state. Even the DOT came up with the CDL for commercial driver's. It's still issued by the state, but falls under a federal database to monitor driver's records. At one time, drivers could all to easily maintain several licenses from several states. Point one license out from too many infractions, whip out the next one. The CDL put an end to that. Plus penalties are stiffer for CDL holders. And, best of all, it's funded by the increased cost of actually
carrying a CDL.
My original question stands. How involved are we willing to allow the government to be? Federal, state or local.