This is probably the hardest thing to do, but you can kill her with kindness. It takes energy and willpower, but in the end it's better than increasing the tension and having a knock-down, drag-out fight. I'm very much a confrontational person, but if I confronted my in-laws about all the things that I disagree with them about, it would be a very bad situation. One lucky thing for us is that we don't share a common language, lol.

(It helps more than it hurts, really!)
Also, you and your husband should probably sit down and recognize that you are both each other's closest family now, and that you each have the priority over your own families, no matter what. You each deserve to know that the other person will have your back in any situation.
In the end, any conflict that you have with his family needs to be addressed by him, and with him supporting you... and vice versa, if he has problems with your family. I truly believe that the spouse should not have to ever confront the in-laws, since the actual son/daughter should be the one running interference and showing unconditional support for the spouse (barring abuse, cheating, etc).