I love feeling feminine, but sadly it does seem like I need to put a lot of effort into it. Wearing a skirt, a top that accentuates the girls, painting my toes....yada yada yada.
And yet at other times all it takes is a nice bra and panties under a tank top and jeans to make me feel ultra feminine and yet like I can still keep up with any man. My dad taught me to be tough and never feel weak, in many ways thats when I feel my sexiest.
I'm sad to admit though that I never felt feminine until I met im2smrt4u, it was like finally a guy was paying attention to me for my curves and beauty and not just because I could kick their ass.
When I'm feeling unfeminine all I have to do is look down at my breasts and be reminded of just how much of a woman I am. I believe that the definition the the dictionary gives is purposefully vague because what is feminine not only changes from person to person but also culture to culture and even from one time period to the next. Now-a-days, women can be feminine with the big drill in their hand, a kid on their hip and a look that could kill in her eye. Its all a state of mind, and if one were to read the post from the ladies of tilted versus the men intellectually they may be the same but sometimes there is just a difference. Its hard to put your finger on but its there. More heart and passion maybe.
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey