Originally Posted by dirtyrascal7
Make a goal to introduce yourself to one new girl each day. You don't need any special line or plan... just smile, say "hi", and go from there.
That goal would be extremely, extremely difficult as go straight to work at 9AM to 6PM where I don't see a female that is under 45 about 97% of the time, and go home straight after to do homework.
But, I can try to make a goal to do it once or twice a week, or on special occasions. For example, I have to go to the main college campus to take both of my finals Wednesday, so I have the opportunity then. And a concert on Friday, I can try.
I just gotta get it out of my head not to think that saying "hi" to a random girl isn't creepy and weird, haha.
Originally Posted by MSD
We're going to try a little exercise for you; I want you to read this, say an answer to the question out loud within 5 seconds, and post whatever it was that you said. I put it in a spoiler tag because I don't want you to read it ahead of time and have time to think. If you blank out or can't think of anything, don't be afraid to say so.
Spoiler: I'm being wingman for you at a bar, or party, or wherever we are trying to meet people. I see a girl I know from somewhere, introduce you to her, and she asks you, "Why did MSD tell me I should get to know you?"
The first thing that came to my mind was, "Cause I'm awesome". From what I've told you about me, that probably doesn't sound like something I'd say, but in reality I would, because other than my girl problems I really like who I am and where I'm at in life. It's just "love" that is a huge part of my life that I feel I'm missing out on. And also, I'd say that because you were there, of course. By that I mean, when I used to hang with my friends and they introduced me to their female friends, I would introduce myself and say something funny (or weird, in their eyes) and I wouldn't care because I knew that if she didn't like it, my friend(s) would laugh because I know his sense of humor. But I don't have any friends here, so I never really thought I could do that going solo.
Anywho, thank you all for the replies, some very powerful stuff in there. As said in another post, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in this situation, but I guess I'm not and other people have succeeded, so maybe it's my turn to be one of them too.