Well, you kinda sound like me. I'm 6'1 and am down to about 320 lbs. About a year ago I was weighing in at about 370 or slightly more. Even then I was somewhat active. I played tennis in college at 310 (granted it was D3) after I gave up football and you should have seen some of the looks I got after kicking some little 150 lbs dudes ass. But, that;s another story.
Like me you are probably pretty thick under all of the fat and and you probably could not get below about 240 or so without stopping eating altogether. By having a naturally large frame and being muscular I think you can go about losing the weight with a mixture of cardio and weight training. You will get results faster with a mix of the two anyway. One thing you want to be careful of is overtraining to the point where the body reacts adversely to what you are trying to accomplish. Still, the hardest thing for me to do is to make sure I do not weight train to often. I gotten into such a habit that it seems weird to go to the gym and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes and then be outta there in less than an hour. I always feel that I should be spending more time in the weight room since I made it there that day. But, again, with a mix between the two and with only a mild change in diet you can get results in a month even.