Sheer determination and tenacity. That's how I survived. There is a disparity between groups: some generations cope better than others and in different ways. There are also diffeent expectations. The Greatest Generation (your grandparents) was incredible. They endured without complaint and made our world better. The Boomers just suck (barring the 1st generation immigrants). They are a bunch of weak whiners that can't cope. I think Gen Xers are sort of the new Lost Generation - overshadowed by the Boomers and badly parented. Our predecessors were tough cookies. They could cope and had heart. I think the present generations have been coddled and pussified too much. We need to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and endure. Dust ourselves off and try again.
Give your grandma a hug. Tell her how much she means to you and how much you appreciate her. Ditto to all your elders.
When the time comes for you, you will know and then you will have choices to make.
"The race is not always to the swift, nor battle to the strong, but
to the one that endures to the end."
"Demand more from yourself, more than anyone else could ever ask!"
- My recruiter