People who visually bother you.
This is something that has personally bothered me a lot. When you walk down the street someone with a disorder, a disfigurement, some disease, a huge growth, something I automatically feel repulsed by. I try not to judge someone by something like that, you talk to them and it is hard not to look not to flinch perhaps.
With our baby we had a test for a disorder the other day something my wife carries I do not, but you automatically test for it. Thank G-d as we assumed and everyone believed she is fine nothing, but you want to test just in case. This brought this topic again to my mind, these people for the most part had no choice about these looks, and they have to live with them. I am sure they get this response from other people and probably not everyone can hide it (I try my best to never let it show).
I have no real answer or thought how to change your response except to get to know the person, get used to seeing people who look different, and tell myself over and over in my mind how to behave properly.
I wonder do other people think about this?