Originally Posted by Jinn
As someone who is accused of hacking nearly every time I play a FPS, I have to say thats a risky assertion. How did you "find out" about these CA Hacks that are PB proof? How do you know that the people you're playing against are actually using them?
I hate hackers as much as the next guy, but I have to admit that every time someone accuses me of hacking it's out of frustration or jealousy, since I'm not.
I'm still not terribly impressed with CA's netcode, and I prefer console FPS these days, since no one will accuse of me of hacking..
I didnt even know they exsisted and then I saw one person chatting about it in the lobby. So I googled it. The is a site called FPSCheats. CA happens to be one of the games their coders worked some hacks out in. Some of the hacks seem more of enhancements that perhaps the game should have anyway. An example is having the enemies name in red all the time instead of just when you point your gun. Most of the time if you dont have blazing fast reflexes its a matter of taking a chance to execute friendly fire or be shot. That is one of the weaknesses of the game. So having just that alone would give some the upper advantage, because you also see the name from any point on the map as well. This lets you continue to hunt down the same person if you choose. (You get bonuses if you kill the same person multiple times in a row).
The next one could be considered a hack or possibly an enhancement that you could buy through experience in the game, but it lights everyone up so you can see through walls.
It lifts the fog of war- cheat.
Gives you invisible armor that practically makes you indestructable- cheat.
Gives you money- cheat.
The worst feature of all that definatley is the king of cheats- an aimbot.
When I stood in front of more than one person and shot them point blank with a shotgun and it did no damage I thought something was not right. Thats happend on more than one occasion. These guys state their code is undetectable. If they cant get a handle on it then this game will eventually die out Im sure. Which would be a shame, for being free I think its great.