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Old 07-30-2008, 04:09 PM   #15 (permalink)
sound chaser
Originally Posted by randygurl View Post
For Herpes Type 2. Yup, I'm still in shock. I have absolutely no idea where I got it as I have never knowingly been with anyone who has had it. But considering that 80-90% of people have it unknowingly, without any symptoms, I guess I'm not surprised.

Now as far as this STD goes, I have gotten off relatively easily. My first outbreak was so extremely mild, that three different doctors told me they didn't think I had herpes (prior to test results coming back). Apparantly many people go their whole lives without another outbreak. And they never get worse than your first one so I know I don't have much to worry about in that department. My sore was about the size of the tip of my pinkie, nothing more. And relatively no pain - only a little bit if my underwear rubs it in the wrong way.

Basically what I'm saying is, the medical side of things doesn't bother me right now. As my doctor put it, its a skin irritation, nothing more - and one that is going to be pretty easy to handle as its so mild. Its just like a cold sore, only 'down there'.

No, what worries me is the social stigma attached to such an infection. Believe me, upon hearing my test results, I was immediately convinced that my sex life was over. That I was never going to fall in love, get married, be happy. That I was forever going to have this scarlet 'S' on my chest, branding me as promiscuous and unclean. And after reading any threads/posts related to herpes on here, I'm more convinced than ever. For an open community, I was surprised to see only direct negativity associated with people who have herpes. When the question was posed, pretty much every one said they would run for the hills rather than get involved with someone who has herpes. Great - I'm in for a joyous future arn't I? I'm not trying to point fingers, I'm merely emphasizing the fact that there is a lot of predjudice and hostility surrounding this particular STD. Because its uncurable? Maybe. But as far as health risks are concerned, its far less invasive than many other more common STD like syphilis and gonorrhea. And lets face it, its not HIV.

Call this a rant if you will, as I didn't exactly pose any questions to the community, but I do welcome any comments/insight you all have in regards to herpes and how you would feel about starting a relationship with someone, getting emotionally involved, only to find out that they have herpes (finding out prior to sexual relations of course).

I should point out that I feel like I've come to terms with having this virus, and should I ever meet a guy that I feel would be deserving of my heart, I would be completely open and honest with him before we were intimate sexually. I would let him make an educated decision. But I am 100% petrified of being in that scenario - I've gotten serious with this guy, I feel close enough to him and I trust him enough to share this with him, only to find out that this isn't something he can deal with and I get shot down. I've had a hard enough time finding love as it is and now this gets thrown into the mix?! Fucking perfect!

*opens the floor to discussion*
sorry to hear that.

it's not all doom and gloom though. I've heard of some medications a person can take if they have herpes, to lessen the risk of transmission to your partner. I'm not sure about pregnancy though and whether it could affect a baby.

keep your chin up though. life is hard but we have to muddle through and make the most of our lives while we're here.
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