I kid you not, but one of the things I have found consistently works with the girls I've dated is: do a few simple things for them (make dinner, do dishes, etc.), and at the end of the day, after dinner/whatever evening plans you have, kick back for a while on the sofa, and talk with her. Ask about her day, whatever's going on in her life. Listen and engage with her. And while you're doing that, rub her feet. It's worth learning a little massage and reflexology to give a girl a good foot rub. Chicks just seem to store a lot of tension in their feet. Rub her feet, and when it seems like she's relaxed a little, keep talking, but just kind let your hands rub their way on up her legs-- slowly! I usually pace myself, light massage, keep it going for 20 minutes, sometimes half an hour. By the time I'm working on her inner thighs, she's ready to go, and it's pretty simple to transition right into more active and explicit foreplay....
I don't know what the magic is, but chicks just seem to melt for foot rubs, and if you light some candles, chicks seem to love them way more than any guy would expect....
Dull sublunary lovers love,
Whose soul is sense, cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
That thing which elemented it.
(From "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne)