Okay ladies of the tfp! Once again I need your experience and assistance.
Recently I have been plagued with the uncontrollable need to pee. Like today, used the bathroom before we went out, strolled Wally-world for a bit, then went to bevmo. Not during any of this time did I feel even the slightest need to pee. However, the moment I stepped out of the truck it hit me like a freight train. By the time I walked from my truck to the curb I couldn't control it anymore and to my dismay I wet my pants. Now I was doing my best to hold it in, to no avail.
I had to walk quickly back to my truck and wait for im2smrt4u to finish getting his stuff.
This has happened a couple times in the past couple of weeks. It was occuring about a month back and kinda settled down. But maybe that's because I cut down on my liquid intake. I don't know.
I don't know if I have a bladder infection or not. Its not uncomfortable when I do urinate nor is it uncomfortable when the urge arises, its just the normal tingly feeling only more urgent. I am planning on making an appointment with my gyno for a follow up apt about my bc, but I was hoping for some ideas or advice before that since the apt probably wont be able to be for another couple of weeks.
Any other needed info...just ask.
BTW I do not feel that the number of times I urinate has increased, just the urgency.