Six Degrees of Separation
So we are all supposed to be linked to one another through six degrees. everybody knows everybody on this planet through six degrees. Thats the theory anyways.
for those that don't know what i'm talking about - theres a theory thats been out there for quite some time that we are all connected through 6 people.
like me knowing someone in say an obscure african town through some african guy i met while i was on vacation in honolulu. ill be connected to the people that this guy knows, and its refered to as one degree.
try that six times and voila..we're all one big happy family..sort of anyways.
after seeing the news a few weeks ago about the 'lost tribe' in the amazon, it got me thinking about the six degrees and whether its actually true. its a theory that could come pretty close at least.
so anyways.. i thought id try this on tfp and see what results we get.
so here goes
i know george w bush through 2 degrees- i have a family friend who worked for the saudi king who knows george bush.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy