Originally Posted by fresnelly
In any case, we can all rest assured that there is still plenty of half-assed underparenting to counter balance the new half-assed overparenting.
/apologies to The Simpsons.
How dare you try to take away one of the basic rights of The Internet! If we can't bitch about overparenting and we can't bitch about underparenting, how are we all going to feel morally superior to The Great Unwashed Masses?!
You, sir, need to take your complete rationality and far-sightedness to another thread.
/me takes off his helicopter mod hat.
Actually, I think that this is one of the best points in the thread. We see lots of examples of folks who absolutely fail as parents - some of us are children of failed parents. The folks in the thread possibly are failures as well, but that's not for the lack of trying.
Are these folks annoying? You bet your bippy. But at least they aren't flicking lit cigarettes at their kids instead.