I am surprised she has told you anything about it, if she is not ready to get out. I was in an abusive relationship years ago. I told nobody, until years after I left. Nobody had a clue. Even twenty years later, I dislike talking about it, or even driving through that town. It took me years before I could even drive in that state without my hands shaking.
I think all you can do is what you've done. You've already put it out there. I don't think it is exactly healthy for anyone to sit by and watch all of this happen to someone they care about. Especially when you're pulling your own heart and life back together. You might want to say something to her like...you care about her too much to sit back and watch what she is allowing him to do to her (and she is allowing it). And that, for a time, you will be there if she decides to leave...ONCE.
If she does leave him, there is no guarantee that she will not go back to him. I did that, once. For the life of me, I do not know why. Make sure you don't end up being just a temporary safe place that she bounces to and from.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe