Your not sounding like an ass. I'm very receptive to input. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be posting here, open to every critic. It's not that I don't like what I think, because I don't know what to think, I truly have no idea what to tell her, or what to do. I know what I WANT to do, but is it really the smartest choice? The more and more I think about it being out of contact with her for the last week, the more and more the choice is clear. I should probably separate myself from the situation.
I'm a self aware person, I'm perfectly aware of how "tangled" it is.
I live a pretty simple life, I'm a single father, I go to work, I get my son from day care, I go home. My son is the only thing I NEED in my life. We live well, and it's not that I think it could be the way things were with my ex-wife, it's being afraid that it would happen again. Trusting people is a very delicate thing with me, even a year after we separated. (Which, BTW my divorce will be final at the end of August, I was told today.

It's not about saving her. I can't save her, she can save herself. If it's with me, or someone else. Those are her choices, I can't do anything but lay it out there, and I've done that. Now it's on her.
JJ, your right. Exactly right, I'm not willing to risk what I have right now. The more I mull over this, the more I think I don't need another relationship right now, and I'm not even sure I want one. Even more so one derived from a situation like this. I guess I know what I need to do more then I thought I did.