Originally Posted by grumpyolddude
Basically, I feel it's a matter of presentation. Are you offering opinions as a piece of a conversation that helps with the evolution of a subject, or are you dropping an opinion bomb and waiting for the dust to settle to see who is still standing?
What's more important to you, Lubeboy, being right the first time, every time, or being correct, eventually? Therein, I believe, lies your answer.
Yeah I think I need to work on my presentation but not quite sure. For example I love to eat and often research and check out a lot of places to eat. I also write online reviews. When my friends or other people are talking about a restaurant that has received a lot of favorable reviews and hype that I have been to that I didn't think was worthy of those reviews and hype, it pisses them off. I offer my reasons such as food quality, portions, service, was it worth the price, etc... Sometimes people listen, sometimes they call me crazy.
I think I like being right the first time, every time, and eventually. Is that arrogant? I pride myself in helping people save time and money. Most importantly I want people to get their money's worth.