According to WIKI:
"Humility is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others. Synonym: humble"
obstinate or conceited with regard to the merit of one's own opinions; conceitedly dogmatic."
These would appear, on the surface, to be mutually exclusive concepts, but I think that these mere definitions are quite limited.
Our friend, punkmusicfan21, says it quite nicely. Having enough confidence in your opinions to express them in the proper context doesn't necessarily conflict with having a humble nature, forcing your voice to be heard above all others, or dogmatically refusing to consider alternative points of view, does.
Basically, I feel it's a matter of presentation. Are you offering opinions as a piece of a conversation that helps with the evolution of a subject, or are you dropping an opinion bomb and waiting for the dust to settle to see who is still standing?
What's more important to you, Lubeboy, being right the first time, every time, or being correct, eventually? Therein, I believe, lies your answer.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard