Wow, for the first time, well, ever, I don't agree with everyone. Being opinionated and being arrogant are two totally different entities. It takes someone with confidence to be opinionated, to share something or a part of themselves, but to be arrogant is to reject other's opinions.
Arrogance rears it's head when you refuse to accept others; if you simply share your opinion, and allow others to present theirs in a respectful way, then I see no problem.
And plus, being humble is realizing your personal limitations and appreciating all that you have within those limitations. You can have something to say without it being cocky. Don't cross the line of needing to say something or needing to be right, rather then just sharing something valuable to the conversation/debate. You can argue without being a douche; but the moment your arguing for argument's sake then you're over the line.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.