I don't want Favre to stay with the Packers; the team took his retirement seriously, and moved on to Aaron. Aaron is going to be more then capable but this situation is a lot more complicated then what you're making it.
The Packers are poised in their division to do some great things. In fact the only thing that really stands in their way is The Vikes, and without a capable quarterback they are less likely to hinder my team's success. The Pack aren't going to be great forever. Seasons will change my team, they always do, and who's to say how long the window for success will be open. Favre moving to any team in the NFC North would be a disaster; moving to any team we play would be almost as bad.
But that is just on the field. Off the field this is even worse. The Packers have been put in a very bad position by Brett (and God knows, and every girlfriend I've ever had, I love him). Ted mishandles this and he's fucked; the fans own the team for god sakes. He's fucked if he refuses to bow to Favre because then he is muddying one of the greats, and perhaps the favorite of all pack fans. If they release him, and he goes to the vikes or even the bears, then he may be losing his potentially great season.
ALSO if he just releases Favre, without pursuing a trade, then he is fucked (for getting Brett/the fans ruffled) and he gets nothing to show for it (like Montana's first round trade; which is what we need).
The best thing to do is to do what they did with Corey Williams in the offseason. They tied Corey to their team (he was an unrestricted free agent) and then traded him for high value. The Pack should reinstate him, then trade him. If nothing comes up, release him as he wishes. That way is a win/win; as much as you could in this mess.
I love Brett, he is my hero, but I'm going to call it like it is and call this selfish.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.