Originally Posted by Lucifer
I was getting a handjob in a dark car one dark night, and when I came, she pulled down hard on my cock (I'm uncut) and when my cock spasmed, it ripped the skin on the underside. There is a fair amount of blood in that thing keeping it hard and I must have lost 1/2 a pint of it in the front of her car. I screamed, literally, and she thought it was pleasure cause she was moaning too, thinking all that warm fluid on her hand was semen. She got kind of freaked when she switched on the overhead light and saw blood splashed around the dashboard and window. The funniest bit for me was when one of my roommates caught me coming in with blood on my jeans and he said, "Good night?" I replied, "it wasn't boring!" Now I've got an interesting scar to show...
Fuck man! I remember reading that a few years back and it was completely out of my mind! You suck for bringing it back, I still cringe!
My worst would be when I was pumping really hard this one time and she was fucking CRAZY wet, like sloopy 15th's wet (we had been having sex all day, in fact we were playing hookie to screw). Anyways I pulled out too hard and did not realize that I was no longer inside of her, slammed it back down, it slipped and went right into the pelvic bone dealy. I bent my cock pretty good, and bruised her nicely too. My cock was bruised for about a week and any sex at all for that time was painful.