Originally Posted by Manuel Hong
I just saw a Toltec elder speak about this. I've been pretty much following the 2102 thing for years now. The Mayans never really claimed it would be the end of the world, it's marking a new era. A shift.
The Elder Tlakaelel (sp?) said that the earth changes are happening NOW, if you look around you'll see this is so.
The shift will bring about a new awareness, a consciousness, an awakening that will bring us closer together. More of a community, more compassion...if you look around you may also see that this is so. Of course, it is not so for many people. A lot of people have chosen a different reality.
(To briefly touch upon quantum mechanics, I will just mention here that we do indeed create our reality through our beliefs. nuf said there. lots written about this EVERYWHERE!!)
I have also heard some mention the possibility of reality being split- some continue to exist in fear (by their choice) while others exist in love (choice) and never the twain shall meet again (not choo-choo twain!). someone else suggested that perhaps there will be 3 realities, the third being a sort of pergatory...who knows...
In any case, the hype about doomsday is really just that, hype. I hold out hope that it will herald a new age of conscious awareness for the Earth and each other, finding balance and harmony to exist in peace and in alignment with the natural world.
Ah Ho!!
May it be so.
I often wonder why people seem to be held sway over doomsday prophecies. A part of me thinks it comes from the dissatisfaction of their existence in this world (not to be confused with having a disappointing life). When you think about it, life on this planet is pretty mundane. It's an endless cycle of life, death, war, peace, prosperity, and famine. To be sure there have been many advances made and anybody from 100 years ago would look at today's world in utter amazement, but in the end, it's all the same. We band together in tribal fashion (though we call them 'nations' now), fight over resources, and do what it takes to continue our collective existence as a tribe. Outside of this, nothing spectacular happens. This increasing pessimism drives us to desire a 'reset' button like on a video game, but unfortunately there will be no reset, no chance to start fresh, no rapture, no age of global enlightenment, just the disappointing realization that life is....and nothing more.