sound recorder ?
hey I'm no geek here.
so my old comp here has a SBL card which came with some software of course..drivers and whatnot.
part of that stuff was a simple recorder. a small thing no bigger than winamp control panel on my screen. it had record/play/stop/pause buttons and you could click a small button to name and save the wav file. it was bare bones but worked fine with no time spent reading any manual, wiki pages...etc.
I just had a go w/ Audacity and ain't that simple. I mean, it'll probably do what I want and about 1000 things I never even thought anyone would want to do. for the moment it's more complex than I want to deal with.
all I want to do is record some files that play on the web...mysapce, utube, whatever. I don't need a career learning about how to use it.
as far as I can see this new comp (dell XPS) has no app like this.
I can convert the .wav to .mp3 later or if there's a recorder that just saves to mp3 that's fine too.
I've looked in the freeware thread and will continue searching here and the web.
I'm wondering if a ten year old SBL card will work in my new XPS...the XPS has onboard sound so I'm also wondering if I ought to buy a new sound card, which may come with another simple app for recording.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.