Originally Posted by sadistikdreams
That is such bullshit man.
It reminds me of a similar thing that happened in the 70s I think, in New York. This woman was stabbed to death in an alley, while people were watching. Nobody thought to help, or at least call the police.
It's really appalling that people don't look out for eachother anymore, and while I can kind of understand this happening in a psych ward, I still think it's an inate human instinct to help people.
Maybe it's something that has been abandoned as humans have become more "civilized"...
You're referring to Kitty Genovese:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitty_Genovese Anyone who has seen
Boondock Saints should be familiar with the name.
I won't watch the clip; the descriptions were disturbing enough. Once you watch it, you can't unwatch it. There are occasions where we can't explain human behavior as much as we would like to; I think this is one of those times.