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Old 07-02-2008, 04:46 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Location: Ohio
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
--parenting is a lot of work and it does take a knowledge base, one you build up over time as you parent or read books to help you parent; people in general are lazy and go in to parenting without the knowledge of just how much work it can be.
I think you hit the nail on the head, parenting is a lot of work and in an age of fast food, cell phones and fast cars, etc, we have grown lazy. I believe each generation is getting smarter, advancing intellectually, but at ther same time getting lazier. And if lazy parents have smart kids then manipulative fits occur.

I have two toddlers, my 2 1/2 year old daughter is the "smarter" of the two and is constantly looking for new ways to break the rules and push peoples buttons and I am constantly reminding her of the rules, sometimes nicely, sometimes not so nicely (read into that tried and true discipline).

I can say that my kids are realitiveely well mannered and well behaved, but they, being toddlers still try to play the "games" even though they have not found one yet that works with mommy. I get tired of the winning I get tired of the crying and I get tired of the fits. I would feel sorry for anyone who lived close enough to me to hear it all day, even if they were saying, "you go girl, that's right that toddler doesn't get that because they cried for it." They still would be hearing more than they wanted and needed to hear.

So Abaya, I recommend listening to music to drown out someone else's childrearing. And as far as the previous neighbors go whose kid wasn't as noisy, probably a shyer more average child with smarter less lazy parents.
Yes you can get off on the same sexual experience for 24 full hours!!!!!
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