Originally Posted by shesus
We used to buy bottled water and the gallon jugs of water when we lived in Phoenix. The water there is horrible or at least it was in our apartment. I hated spending money for water and creating the extra garbage so we bought a Brita water filter and 36 oz sport water bottles. We saved a ton of money and a ton of bottles going to the landfill.
Penn and Teller did a Bullshit show on bottled water. It was hilarious. They got a bunch of pretentious people in a Water Bar and offered a water menu with descriptions, much like a wine list. People were sipping and commenting on the different undertones of each sample. The dumb asses were drinking glasses of hose water that a guy was filling up in the alley.
We use the big jugs too, at least they are refillable. The main reason behind that was because the tap water in the apartment building tastes like ass. Now that we have bought a house it probably wont be used anymore.
BTW Here's the Bullshit episode.