Originally Posted by dc_dux
Because it is the role of the federal government to protect the nation's borders.
Just as it was the role of the federal government during earlier waves of immigration when most immigrants were processed through Ellis Island (or similar disembarking points). "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" That "golden door" should always remain open to the poor and huddled masses (as well as the wealthy and elite), but in a manner that protects the security and welfare of the citizens within.
I agree with the intent, 100%. However, I don't agree with the current implementation - some sort of giant fence, wall, etc.
Fwiw, here's what I think we should do:
o Make it easy for companies to tell if someone has a legal right to work in the US.
- The system needs to be free, easy, accurate, and subject to oversight and
For example:
Company: Sorry, we can't hire you because you don't have the right to work here.
Brown person: Yes I do! Here's my (proof of citizenship, green card, work visa).
The Fed: Oh, sorry, our bad. We'll fix our database.
Company: Ok, you're in.
Brown person: Yah! Picking strawberries at minimum wage!
White guy: Shit, I'm glad I don't have to do that crap.
Brown person: Are you kidding? This is enough to feed my family back home.
White guy: Better you than me. I'm going to work at McDonald's.
o Make the penelty for a company knowingly hiring someone who doesn't have the legal right to work in the US *severe*.
Company exec 1: I saved us thousands of dollars by hiring brown people, giving them no benefits, and paying them less than minimum wage!
The Fed: Pay us $10 gazillion
Company CEO: Exec #1, you're fired!
Company exec 1: Aw, shit!
o Make it relatively easy for brown people to have a transitional status of some sort.
Brown person: ("I'm just looking for a better life for my family"/"My parents brought me over the border when I was 3. I'm not a citizen, but this is the only culture I've ever known"), and ("This company will hire me/"this college will accept me")
Company/College: Yes. We need/want this brown person.
The Fed: For how long?
Company/College: At least X years
The Fed: Is the position also open to people who already have the right to work here with the same salary and benefits?
Company/College: Yes!
The Fed: Ok, it's cool with us. This country was built on immigrants, and stuff. Here's a work/school visa for Brown Person #313231 for X years at your company/college.
Company/College: All right!
Brown person: Yah!