Originally Posted by terrahurtz
Thanks for that advice. This past 2 weeks I met 2 girls, 1 i was 60-70% interested in and one that I was 20% interested in. The first one blew me off (She lost interest) and the 2nd one I had to break it to her I just want to be friends (after she asked me if she could kiss me).
You never get what you want.. ehh ? lol
Don't get me wrong, T. I'm not suggesting that you toss out all of your expectations. I'm merely advocating a slightly less rigid mindset.
There's another thread started concerning attraction and personality. The right personality can trump a whole host of physical flaws, but you've got to be open to getting to know the person.
On the other hand, some physical characteristics can be a total deal-breaker. You've got to get out and find those boundaries. They will be different for each of us... and, quite possibly, for each potential partner we come across.
Here's hoping you find someone to have some fun with, even for the short term. The long term tends to take care of itself for someone open to it.