I also have no idea where I got it. It happened during my university years. It was a huge issue for me. I had lots of willing girls around, so I was devastated. I thought my life was over. The first year I had constant outbreaks. The good news is now I can't remember when I had the last outbreak. It usually happens when I get stressed out.
It is not the end of your sex life, but it requires adjustment. It was a much bigger deal before I got married. My wife was never afraid of my virus and in fact I eventually infected her. It's never been a big deal to her.
Now I never even think about having it. Well, not until I read something like your post.
One question that's difficult to answer: When do you tell someone that you have Herpes? It's not something you necessarily want to reveal on a first date-- in such a case, maybe you discover on the third date that there's no chemistry or that the person is not trustworthy. He may then go post it in a bulletin on MySpace. On the other hand, what if you don't tell him, and on the third date the two of you really start to gel? Now you tell him and he feels that you mislead him by not revealing it earlier. I dunno, maybe this is more of a conundrum for guys than girls (Why? Because it is the female who controls the vagina).
If you get pregnant, you'll need to discuss your herpes with your doctor. A soon to be mother with an outbreak could possibly expose the baby as he moved through the birth canal.
Truly, herpes is not the end of the world. It is not the end of your sex life. You'll learn to live with it and to be happy, even with herpes.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.