Thread: Borrowing a car
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Old 06-24-2008, 06:23 AM   #22 (permalink)
Glory's Sun
Registered User
Originally Posted by REDL|NE
Im not in the business of lending things. I did a favor for a roomate because he is my roomate. I had no reason up until this point to not lend him the car. I think it was a goodwill gesture. Granted now I regret the decision but that is life. Live and learn.

I keep putting myself in my roomates shoes, and if it was me, I would feel guilty and responsible to help pay towards any damage that the car took while it was under my control. This is why I am frustrated at this situation because he obviously feels much differently than I do. Regardless if it was a battery, a cracked bumper, or whatever, it doesn't matter imho. Sure it may not have been his fault, but if you borrow something do you not accept responsibility for that item? Thoughts? If you borrowed a lawn mower and the thing crapped out, would you feel obligated to replace or repair the mower?

well, no I wouldn't feel obligated to replace or repair anything unless I caused the problem. when a person borrows something they borrow it in the condition it is in. Granted, when he took it, it had a working battery.. but there's no way to know if the battery would have died on you the same way. Unless he did something really stupid, then he's not obligated to do anything.

I understand and see where you're coming from.. but it's kind of pointless to keep going on about it. He didn't offer to pay for it.. so now you know how he is.. don't lend anything out to him again.
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