I want to keep my individual consciousness. I don't like the idea of a hive-mind.
Anyone familiar with the Singularity, with respect to the development of a civilization? Technological development in a civilization is exponential, not linear, as each technology we develop helps develop the next much quicker. The singularity is the point at which the curve becomes almost vertical, and a civilization reaches total enlightenment almost instantly at that point. Most futurists attribute this change to the fusion between man and machine. A humans creativity and a machines processing ability together would be mindblowing.
One interesting thought was that as wireless technology began to develop, we would begin transmitting not just information ,but actual intelligence. Eventually, the airspace around us would become saturated with intelligence itself, and eventually, the universe itself would "wake up". Few futurists have even tried to comprehend the consequences of such a thing.
Its all in a book, "The Singularity is Near". I do not remember the author exactly, Ray K-something.
This whole 2012 thing reminds me of that.
As for Y2K, how did that Broken Saints quote go...
"How many software engineers got fat from Y2K? How many of us were siphoned off by the banks and the military, NDA's in hand, to tweak digits 'till the eleventh hour? We save their asses, and the news called it a 'non-event'. I slept until March after that 'non-event'."
If Obama was the anti-christ, I'd be laughing my ass off all the way through the 7 years tribulation. They'd have to put me on IV, and put me in the dedicated wing of hte hospital, that they isolated for victims of the Laughing Syndrome which has suddenly affected millions of the highly educated.
My bets are on Pope Benedict. Have you seen the guy? He looks almost exactly like Emperor Palpatine. Every time he speaks in public, I expect his voice to suddenly get really creepy, and for him to say "Execute Order 66." Thats when the previously-underground Civil Faith forces break down my door, along with the doors of millions of other professed atheists, Jews, and Muslims, and put one shot through my head.
They'd forget about everyone in the East.
Last edited by AKR; 06-23-2008 at 09:09 PM..