Thread: Borrowing a car
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Old 06-22-2008, 07:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
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Location: The Great White North
Originally Posted by Hain
Make him pay a portion, and never let him use the car again. Cynth is right in my opinion, one usage can kill it. Also, "using the car" and "road trip" are clearly different things. He probably knew that had he told you his destination/intention, you would have objected.
Letting the battery run down one time shouldn't kill it. We had a new car several years ago and one of the doors didn't close as easy as you would have thought. As a consequence, the headlights stayed on in the garage waiting for the door to be closed. I had to jump her car 3-4 tme over the course of a year. The battery recharged after driving and was fine. It lasted another three years until we traded the car.

If the battery ws fairly old using it up might be the thing that pushed it over the edge. However, from the OP, there was no info on the age of the battery. It sounded like the big issue was the trip out of the province and the battery issue is a red herring?

I can see paying for something he broke but not for something that wears out over time. If the starter went out you wouldn't expect someone to pay for that. And if there weren't any guidelines on driving where, how long, that sort of thing, you're kind of out there when complaining about distance.

I for one wouldn't let someone borrow something expensive like a car. Too many things can happen.
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