Wow, the guy who wrote the article sounds like he's afraid of life, generally. Taking a step may start a journey, and who knows where that may lead?! Better to stay inside where it's safe.
I dated several girls, both before and after I met QW. They didn't all end well... a couple were rather gut wrenching, for both parties. Through those relationships, however, I was able to refine my perspective. I gained valuable insight into what I was really seeking in a life partner, and I learned how to "work" at relationships. This was a key part of my personal maturation process, and without those experiences, my 28+ year rollercoaster ride with QW would never have been possible.
Now, I've been witnessing my children's joy and heartache. They are making both good and bad (from my perspective) choices, and, I believe, learning the same lessons that I did. These lessons, if they heed them, will serve them well.
But, our friend, the article author, will have none of that! Dating is for "suckers" and it's best to sit tight until Ms. Right knocks on your door and introduces herself. I hope he finds mental laxative. As it stands, he's a pitiful, lonely loser