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Old 06-18-2008, 10:04 PM   #10 (permalink)
InTransition951's Avatar
Location: Northern CA
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
And beating someone at a game when they're already down is obviously not recommended. It's just adding fuel to the fire. I would choose activities that don't put you into competition with him right now.
theres a little story to this that gave me the impression that hes depressed through anger.

he invited me to play and im guessing he just wanted some easy wins from me (since i started playing). then he calls me up afterwards saying how good ive gotten in the short amount of time then brings up some unrelated issues about how i did not pay for the ps3 that i was playing on (its actually the families due to the blue ray/DVD) and how he worked hard for his. im guessing its some jealously and issues hes been holding up from me. and he never said it but he has some type of vendetta of being better at me at video games since i used to be a hardcore gamer and it is easy for me to understand and be good at games in a short amount of time.

but it kinda hurt me hearing this from someone that i looked up to and that i knew for 3/4ths of my life. but i just knew that hes all depressed about things and not let his anger get to me. i know this because i did it when i was depressed.

but on his point of view, he agreed with his g/f that they would take a break from each other for a bit. every one of his friends along with me is telling him that its just a break and not a break up. but he still treats it like that.

back on topic, im planning on talking to him after some time passes. but ill be harder to talk after some things were thrown out there. kinda discouraging imo. *sigh, oh well
looking young can be fun at times in some situations. but many older people do not take you so seriously.
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