Originally Posted by sunshine16
So would it be easier to Leave a note or Should i call? Or no face to face?
For you; and only in the very short term.
Well, in my opinion from what I've read, you've been dating for three years? A note isn't a good way to end this; in fact it's pretty selfish. I know, he's been every kind of selfish over the past three years but it sounds like this is going to be a great turning point in your life, and the adult thing to do would be ending it like one. If you are worried about him reacting badly, then bring a friend. He is more likely to not be helpful if you just leave him some lame Dear John letter.
Do it right. The important thing though is that you do it. The right part just saves you the trouble of what follows, and also puts you on the higher ground. Trust me; you don't want to look back at something like this and say "I fucked up".