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Old 06-16-2008, 12:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
Hey Trans; first, let me say that the difference between dealing with things in highschool, and a couple years out of it, are gianormous. That said, the way he is dealing with it is very similar to how I would of taken it at the start of high school.

I just ended a relationship with a girl that I was with for so long that I can't remember before it. I hurt so much inside but the only way to deal with it, like an adult, is pick yourself up, appreciate what everyone is willing to do with you, and throw yourself back into life. Now that THAT is said you have two options:

1) Give him time. He is obviously still hurting and probably needs to be left the hell alone. Sometimes support can be distance (ie: "You do your own thing but if you need me I'm here"). I know you're concerned but he probably needs some space.

2) If he is just being a dick then you shouldn't have to put up with it. Yes, he's hurting, and yes everyone deals with it in different ways, but that isn't an excuse to berate and degrade someone who is obviously trying to take care of you. Walk away.

Both are you walking away. Tell him you're there, he'll probably say something rude and late teens like "yeah, whatever" and then walk the fuck away and let him cry or punch things or play CoD4. He'll either eventually come to you, or work it out himself.

A lesson that needs to learned by you, here, is that you can't save everyone from themselves. Some people need to self-destruct. C'est La Vie.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
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