Originally Posted by Shauk
120mm fans aren't really noisy. the smaller the fan, the noisier it gets.
It's not really the size that concerns me so much as the quantity. Larger fans run at lower RPM as a rule, which typically means less noise from the motor. On the other hand, if you have eight case fans, that's a lot of noise before you even get to processor, video card, PSU etc. There also appear to be 3 fans on the RAM for active cooling, which is great for overclocking but means that overall he's got 16 (!) fans in there with one video card. If it were mine I'd want to do everything possible to keep the noise down.
And yeah, I know all about Tornados. I used to be hardcore into overclocking, until I realized that I was almost as much money on things like that and Volcano coolers than it would cost me just to buy faster hardware in the first place.