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Old 06-05-2003, 09:23 PM   #13 (permalink)
This Space For Rent
Location: Davenport, Iowa
Originally posted by Doc_34465
Yeah.. Metallica are greedy bastards, sux to be you.. To bad you can't spend some money and buy the music you want to hear, you cheap loser.. What will really suck, is when artists won't be able to afford to record music at all, because music will have to be free, technology will rape it all. You'll be safe, still flippin' burgers.. Everyone will have to eat..

Hey F &!$ You! I've BOUGHT just about everything that Metallica has put out, including a number of Imports. On Top of that I have over 700 legitimately bought CD's that I never would have bought if I had not been able to sample the music via Napster (or Kazaa) downloads. The way I see it the real losers (your word!) are the people who only have the chance to be exposed to new music from their local radio stations or MTV. And most of those bands aren't hurting for my $10! Probably 50% of the CD's I've bought would never be considered Popular Music and barely have a chance to even film a video let alone get regular airplay on MTV. Without Napster or Kazaa I would never have even heard of many of the bands I now have CD's for. The way I see it, if artists ever get to the point where they can't afford to record music it will be becuase of the gouging of the record labels that have created an environment where artists cannot even make money when they have a CD that does well commercially. Many of those acts do not make a penny until they go on tour. And I do not see the RIAA complaining over the fact that technological advancements have made it cheaper to record music and manufacture CD's all while the price to buy a Compact Disk has INCREASED over the past 12 years.

So, don't you dare step upon your soapbox and talk down to me about the BUSINESS of music! I support the artist where it counts most. I buy concert tickets, and when at the show I pay for the t-shirt, or the CD, or the hat; and that money has a much better chance of making it to the artists pocket than when you go Best Buy and plumk down $12 for the CD. Did you know that?! OR just keep on believing what you are being told! Downloading music does hurt the artists if you do not then go out and buy the music that you like, but it REALLY hurts the labels. That's why there is such a an objection to what is going on. If they labels were really interested in protecting the artists they wouldn't try to rape new artists with the small print in thier contracts that increase the percentage of royalties paid to the label as sales go up, or they would provide medical benefits to artists under contract, etc. It's the least they could do for the amount of money those artist make for them.
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