The really bizarre ones like amputees and shoes seem to be cross wiring at a young age. You accidentally get your first sexual feeling while watching a payless commercial, heh. That sort of thing. My 'fetish' (more like a proclivity, I don't need it to get off) came, I think, from having a sexual dream about it when I was six or so. I wasn't even sexual really at that age, but here we are now.
All fetish's are great, to me. Whatever makes you happy and gets you off, good. I'd even go so far to be accepting of some of the really wrong, illegal ones, so long as it STAYS IN YOUR HEAD, and no one gets hurt. I have a friend who is pretty open about her violent rape fetish (her being the rapist, she's a gay female who uses strapons in sex), and I think it's fantastic. She just watches simulated porn, and has simulated rape sex. She'd never go out and actually rape someone. Were her fetish to be repressed and she was ashamed about it, and she weren't able/willing to get these sexual feelings out, maybe she would.
Anyone here ever been to the Museum of Sex in NYC? I went last summer, it was pretty entertaining. I had no idea there was such thing as a balloon fetish. People getting off on watching naked women blow up balloons, and coming when they pop. Hah! Humans are so funny.