Well, I don't know about *watching* someone die, but I attended the Bodies exhibit when it was in Seattle (the plasticized human bodies, dissected for all to get a glimpse of our real inner workings--more biology than art, but still), and it was extremely popular (and pricey!). But it did not feel exploitative to me, assuming that the corpses were obtained in an ethical manner (something that is still up for debate, but that's another argument). The feeling I got was not that people were morbid and wanted to see corpses en masse... among everyone attending, there was a hushed sense of, "Wow... that's what we look like inside." It did feel like we were in a museum, and everyone was very respectful. Maybe the "art of dying" exhibit would be more like that?... I don't know.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran