Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
It's all a matter of perspective. I'm guessing from your post that what you would consider risqué or even obscene would be what I consider warming up.
As long as the desire stems from a healthy place and the parties involved are in a healthy relationship then those feelings are much better left in the realm of emotions that are incapable of being expressed as well as they are felt.
Hell, if my lady asked me to urinate on her I wouldn't try to intellectualize it.
Agreed on all points. As long as no one is breaking any laws and it's not one of the "bad" fetishes (as already mentioned: pedophilia, necrophilia, etc), it comes down to the individuals involved and their relationship. Intellectualizing these things gets you nowhere... I figured that out a while ago. I'm the type that always wants to know "why"... and I still do, to some extent... but when it comes to this, I have to let go of my need to know.
If one person has a fetish or kink (the two are not the same, but I have a feeling they are being conflated in this thread) and the other person doesn't, then the relationship needs to be at a point of such utter trust and openness that they can communicate about it without fear of judgment. That is what we aim for in our marriage, at least.