Originally Posted by Martian
I'm going to have to tinker with the phpbb backend some time. I had no idea such things were possible (although, to be fair, I've never tried).
Just to be clear, it's not like it wasn't very obvious that HTML was screwing with the page. When these things have happened, the pages have been noticably screwed up. It's just that, in being so screwed up, sometimes the beginning of one person's post may have been merged with another person's post, or the poster identity box to the left may have ended up next to someone else's post to the right, or someone's post may have been hidden entirely. It's important to note that these errors were not intentional, but they happened nonetheless. That is, of course, not to mention the other potentially bad uses of HTML, such as to take advantage of an security hole on an unsuspecting user's system. It's just much easier and safer to limit the use of HTML.