Originally Posted by Lucifer
Just throwing my 2cents worth into the fray, but as most of you know I work on cargo ships that enter the USA on a daily basis to unload various goods. When US Customs comes on board my CANADIAN registered, crewed, flagged ship, they still have the ability (might is right, remember) to search and seize computer equipment, DVD/VHS movies, CD's, or anthing else shiny that catches their eye.
But.... we all already know what a dirtbag
you are, Lucifer....
The thing is that there is a very serious smuggling problem with container ships (exclusive of bulk carriers like yours Luci). That's a global problem, not a US-only one. It's how a large percentage of drugs are moved globally as well as many other bulk items.
That said, I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to deal with US Customs on a daily basis like you do. The blue water guys only have to deal with them every few months or weeks (depending on schedules), but ships like yours must lose thousands in costs every season.