Wait. Did you just ask if anyone fantasizes during sex? Jeeez. I have a whole repertoire to choose from. Like some others here I selfishly pull them out during oral fun, concentrating on my partner at the other times. This is often how it goes : When my turn rolls around I kind of lollygag around thinking about what's going on and often laughing with my partner. After a while things start to quiet down a bit, and this continues until Im thick into fantasy, and then presto! the pinkberry pops!
After leading a very quiet sexual existence, Ive learned lately that noise adds to my enjoyment. If Im lucky my partner will growl, groan, laugh, gurgle, talk, whatever. When I first made it with Tpop he talked dirty to me. Ive never had anyone do that before. He spooned me from behind and used his finger. His mouth was at my ear the whole time whispering. It surprised me, and I loved it.
Of course, we all know he was well versed.
. . . . .
As for the sex drive stuff, as you are now aware of it you may want to think a little bit, be aware, of things that arouse you as you come across them. As you begin to realize some of these turn-ons, you might explore other things that are related, kind of start to expand your thinking and your experience. Reading can be a great turn-on. Theres a classic book around by Nancy Friday (I cant remember the title, I think it has Secret or Garden, or maybe both in the title) that details her study of women's fantasies. It was groundbreaking for its time and is quite sensual.
I guess it has taken me a while to grow into myself sexually but then, Ive always been a late bloomer. Maybe thats true for you too.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons...be cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata
Last edited by girldetective; 05-30-2008 at 08:26 AM..