Originally Posted by dc_dux
I do find it curious that you think they will choose every alternative (not vote, vote for Obama - for his war position, despite his big government record and agenda or vote for McCain - for his fiscal conservatism(?) despite his pro-war, pro-Patriot Act hardline positions) except the one that most represents their views.....Barr's anti-war, small government.
I tried to relate it to my personal experience. John Anderson was a socially liberal Republican, some called him a Rockefeller Republican. He created a buzz among young voters, despite his age and look he was like a rock star on campus. His appeal went beyond politics, many supported the man, "the movement" and political positions were secondary. I see similarities with Paul. Barr is not going to generate the interest Paul has generated. Most Paul supporters will gravitate to one of the two major parties or go back to campus parties passing on the election. After Anderson lost in the general, some of us thought we could keep the "movement" alive, the passion passed quickly after the election. I don't know how old you are, but ask you mom or dad about Anderson if they were in college in 1980. We were a bunch of business school, MBA wanna be, radicals back in the day. The 60's had nothing on us.
The buzzword is....."Will Barr gore McCain"
McCain is too old, too liberal, too inconsistent, too angry, too much a "maverick", to win the general on his own merits. The only way he can win is by some major mis-steps by either Obama or Clinton. An outside chance that he could get my vote is if he chose Rice or Powell as his running mate - that won't happen. In the general, I would vote for Clinton before I would vote for McCain because Clinton is a known quantity - I know what she wants to do and she would motive Republicans to fight in Congress.