First dalnet: what exactly is your reasoning for starting this thread?
Second: Beauty/Ugliness...Cool/Loser....these are matters of perception. No matter how you choose to present yourself, someone will think you are the most beautiful, coolest cat in town...someone else will think you are the ugliest, biggest loser in town. So it doesn't really matter. If you haven't found your niche, then stick around a while longer, or find a different town. Subcultures exist for a reason.
Rape is more than a feeling. It's a direct infringement on another person's rights and safety. As was said, apples and oranges. Feeling that you'd like to rape someone isn't necessarily bad...find a girl who's into a bdsm. It comes down to consent. And that's a different question, again.
So let's focus on consent: you consent to call yourself ugly, then you're ugly. You, and every other person has or should have the right to consent to most situations they are put in, theoretically speaking. Of course we don't, so we make the best with what we can control. Rape happens, and most civilized societies object to it. As does murder and theft, and these are also punished, theoretically.
Thus you control that which you can control: there is no point in labelling yourself as being Ugly or Uncool - enough other people will do that for you. So do the best you can, and be happy with yourself - as much as you can. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style