Originally Posted by Crompsin
Perhaps contact dermatitis. Probably that nasty rented mask.
Skin comes into something new and dangerous and freaks out.
Happens to me around certain kinds of paints and nothing else.
Take a steamy shower. Hit up the Benadryll. Don't itch it.
DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. Or at least not the "steamy shower" part.
If it's contact dermatitis (and I get it with random things: calculus books, plastic grocery bags, tanning lotions), you don't want to heat it up. It will itch more! Actually, nearly anything that itches with get worse with heat.. cool water (or very cold water, if you can stand it at the end of a warm/hot shower) will help stop the itching.
I had really bad contact dermatitis from a tanning lotion in high school. Took two rounds of steroid treatment to get rid of the rash. If it doesn't go away in a couple of days with Benadryl, hydrocortisone cream, and leaving it the hell alone or gets worse/spreads, go to a doctor. You might need a cortisone injection or other steroid treatment.